Working arrangements for consultant anaesthetists in the UK | Association of Anaesthetists

Working arrangements for consultant anaesthetists in the UK


A contract is nothing more than an enforceable agreement that regulates the relationship between two parties. In the case of the 2003 consultant contracts, the two parties are the employer and employee, or consultant and their employing health authority, NHS Trust or Board. The 2003 consultant contracts were negotiated in order to address changes in the way the NHS and consultants had been working over the preceding few years, and to prepare for future developments.

These guidelines include: 

  • Principles of the 2003 consultant contract
  • DCC Pas and their calculation
  • SPAs and their justification
  • WTR – rest and work patters
  • Leave of all sorts
  • On-call
  • Part-time and flexible working
  • Job planning and changes to job plans
  • Academic contracts
  • Differences in devolved nations
  • The pre-2003 contract
  • Starting out as a consultant