08:00 - 08:50
Registration (foyer) / tea and coffee and industry exhibition (third floor) |
Stream A - Live Streamed Location: Churchill, ground floor |
08:50 - 09:00
Welcome and introduction to WSM 2024 Dr Matthew Davies, President, Association of Anaesthetists |
09:00 - 09:45
Keynote Chair: Dr Matthew Davies, President, Association of Anaesthetists
From innervation to innovation: lessons learned from hip analgesia Prof Philip Peng, Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine of University of Toronto, credited with the introduction of the Pericapsular Nerve Group (PENG) block)
09:50 - 10:50
Stream A - Live Streamed Location: Churchill, ground floor |
Stream B - Live Streamed Location: Whittle, third floor |
This stream is for in-person attendees only. Spaces available on a first-come, first-served basis due to limited capacity.
Stream C - Physical only - no live stream Location: Gielgud, second floor
T1a - Unrecognised oesophageal intubation - putting the PUMA guidelines into practice
Chair: Dr Helen Laycock, Anaesthesia Editor |
T1b - Leaving the UK - should I stay or should I go? - Session created with the Trainee Committee, but all welcome to attend
Chair: Dr Sarah Marsden, Vice Chair, Trainee Committee, Association of Anaesthetists |
T1c - Peri-operative care Chair: Dr Andrzej Wlaszczyk, Elected Board Member, Association of Anaesthetists |
(09:50-10:05) Case studies: the anatomy of harm from undetected oesophageal intubation Prof Tim Cook, Bath
(10:05-10:20) Event itself - human factors Dr Andy Higgs, Warrington
(10:20-10:50) Panel discussion
(09:50-10:00) Is the grass really greener? Dr Kenneth Gilpin, Australia
(10:00-10:10)If I go there will be trouble… and if I stay it will be double! Dr David Monks, Assistant Professor, Anaesthesiology, Washington University School of Medicine, USA
(10:10-10:20) From anaesthesia to corporate life: navigating career change in the UK Dr Chris Smith-Brown, Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN)
(10:20-10:30) Choosing medicine: from corporate law to anaesthesia? Dr Leyla Turkoglu, London
(10:30-10:50) Panel discussion |
(09:50-10:05) Prehabilitation Dr Myra McAdam, Glasgow
(10:05-10:20) New diabetic drugs - problems and solutions Dr Jonathan Schofield, Manchester
(10:20-10:35) Considerations for major head and neck surgery Dr Natalie Mincher, Newport
(10:35-10:50) Panel discussion |
10:50 - 11:25
Tea and coffee, industry exhibition and e-Posters (sponsored by GE Healthcare Clinical View), third floor
11:25 - 12:55
Stream A: Live Streamed Location: Churchill, ground floor |
Stream B: Live Streamed Location: Whittle, third floor |
Stream C: Physical only - no live stream Location: Gielgud, second floor |
T2a - NAP7
Chair: Dr Louise Savic, Anaesthesia Editor |
T2b - Paediatrics - The critically ill child in A and E Chair - Dr Rachel Freedman, SAFE Paediatrics Course Lead |
T2c - Remote anaesthesia
Chair: Dr Andrea Harvey, Co-opted Board Member, Association of Anaesthetists |
(11:25-11:40) Peri-operative cardiac arrest - incidence and outcomes Dr Richard Armstrong, Bristol
(11:40-11:55) Aftermath Dr Emira Kursumovic, Bath
(11:55-12:10) What does NAP7 tell us about peri-operative risk? Dr Andrew Kane, Middlesbrough
(12:10-12:25) Progress? Can we learn anything from comparing NAP7 to previous NAPs Prof Tim Cook, Bath
(12:25-12:55) Panel discussion
(11:25-11:40) The child with congenital heart disease Dr Stephanie King, London
(11:40-11:55) The medically unwell child Dr Emily Cadman, Paediatric Emergency Medicine Consultant, London
(11:55-12:10) Paediatric trauma Dr Hilary Eason, Manchester
(12:10-12:25) Dealing with parents Dr Leyla Turkoglu, London
(12:25-12:30) SAFE Paediatrics - an update Dr Rachel Freedman, SAFE Paediatrics Course Lead, London
(12:30-12:55) Panel discussion
(11:25-11:40) Anaesthesia in radiology Dr Nazia Khan, London
(11:40-11:55) Endoscopy: is GA the best option? Dr Victoria Scott-Warren, Manchester
(11:55-12:10) Cardiac catheterisation lab Dr Shane George, Cambridge
(12:10-12:55) Panel discussion
ePoster presentations (sponsored by GE Healthcare Clinical View) - Exhibition hall, third floor
12:55 - 14:10
Lunch, industry exhibition, view the e-Posters (sponsored by GE Healthcare Clinical View), third floor
Stream A - Live streamed Location: Churchill |
T3a - Keynote - Featherstone
Chair: Dr Matt Davies, President, Association of Anaesthetists |
T3b - Emergency treatment of peri-operative anaphylaxis Chair: Dr Tendai Ramhewa, Elected Board Member, Association of Anaesthetists |
Keynote: Standing on the shoulders of giants Dr Fiona Kelly, Featherstone lecturer 2024 and Consultant
in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Royal
United Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bath |
(14:10-14:55) Dr Amy Dodd, Bristol Dr Guy Jackson, Reading |
Stream A - Live streamed Location: Churchill, ground floor |
Stream B - Live streamed Location: Whittle, third floor |
Stream C - Physical only - no live stream Location: Gielgud, second floor |
Session T4a - Interactive Case Presentation: obstetric haemorrhage
Chair: Dr Rachel Collis, Consultant Anaesthetist, Cardiff |
Session T4b - Critical Care
Chair: Dr Victoria McCormack, Honorary Secretary Elect, Association of Anaesthetists |
Session T4c - Latest in Industry session
Chair: Dr Krish Radhakrishna, Elected Board Member, Association of Anaesthetists |
Interactive case presentation led by a multidisciplinary group of clinicians.
Dr Rachel Collis, Cardiff Dr Lucy De Lloyd, Anaesthetist Dr Cath Stone, Obstetrician Dr Peter Collins, Haematologist Ms Elinore Macgillivray, Consultant Midwife |
(15:00-15:15) Socio-economic recovery Dr Joanne McPeake, Cambridge
(15:15-15:30) Post ICU rehab and follow-up Dr Andrew Slack, London
(15:30-15:45) How to measure outcomes after critical care Dr Bronwen Connolly, Senior Lecturer, Critical Care, Queen's University Belfast
(15:45-16:00) Patient perspective about recovery from ICU Mr Chris Cooper |
Check out the latest on what industry have to offer, presented by a panel of experts
Panellists: Dr Krish Radhakrishna, London Ms Nicki Dill, Barema Prof Anil Hormis, Rotherham Dr Ben Fox, Norfolk
16:00 - 16:40
Tea and coffee, industry exhibition, view the e-Posters (sponsored by GE Healthcare Clinical View), third floor
(16:10 - 16:30) Industry-sponsored symposium supported by Intersurgical (Gielgud, second floor) '7 steps to improve patient and environmental safety within Anaesthesia' - Mr Sean Duggan, Anaesthesia and Filtration Group Product Manager, Intersurgical
16:40 - 18:10
Stream A: Live streamed Location: Churchill, ground floor |
Stream B: Live streamed Location: Whittle, third floor |
Stream C: Physical only - no live stream Location: Gielgud, second floor |
Session T5a - Consultant and SAS pay offers – Deal or no Deal? (session organised by the SAS committee but useful for all groups)
Chair: Dr Emma Wain, Honorary Treasurer, Association of Anaesthetists
T5b - Neuro; Knowledge & Skills for the Non Specialist (Co-badged with Specialists in Obesity and Bariatric Anaesthesia) Chair: Dr Gemma Nickols , Honorary Secretary NACCS, Bristol |
T5c - Innovation
Chair: Dr Krish Radhakrishna, Elected Board Member, Association of Anaesthetists |
(16:40-17:05) What I need to know about the Consultant pay offer Dr Mike Henley; Pay, T&C’s lead and committee deputy chair, BMA Council/Consultants committee
(17:05-17:30) What I need to know about the SAS pay offer
Dr Imran Sharieff; Elected member BMA UK SAS committee; BMA SAS Executive committee, and BMA SAS pay campaign working group
(17:30-17:50) Should I leave the NHS Pension scheme? Mr Graham Crossley, Quilter Financial Advisers
(17:50 - 18:10) Panel discussion
(16:40-16:55) Avoiding the pitfalls of the prone position Dr Michelle Leemans, London
(16:55-17:10) Interventions in acute stroke - the anaesthetists' role Dr Rebecca Campbell, London
(17:10-17:25) Head and spinal injury - care outside of the specialist centre Dr Matt Wiles, Sheffield
(17:25-17:40) Hydrocephalus for the anaesthetist Mr Matt Bailey
(17:40 - 18:10) Panel discussion
(16:40) Necessity is the mother of invention- How events in history dictated inventions Dr Krish Radhakrishna, Coventry
Followed by presentations from this year's top 3 prize winners for the Innovation Awards:
Winner: Mr Carl Walkden, Dynaseal Advanced Dynamic Self Adjusting Supraglottic Airway Device
Runner up: Dr Paul Greig, StopCheck Technology™
Runner up: Dr Asela Dharmadasa, The TEEP connector: a device that aims to improve patient and staff safety by mitigating the release of infective aerosols and loss of positive-end-expiratory-pressure (PEEP), when critically- ill patients are switched between ventilators.
Followed by presentations from innovative industry experts
Innovation award sponsored by Ultramed – MyPreop
Winter Social (Exhibition hall, third floor) Come and join us for drinks, canapes and entertainment. Free to attend. |
08:00 - 08:50
Registration (foyer) / tea and coffee and industry exhibition (third floor)
Stream A - Live Streamed Location: Churchill, ground floor
08:50 - 09:00
Welcome and introduction to WSM 2024 Dr Matthew Davies, President, Association of Anaesthetists
09:00 - 09:45
Keynote Chair: Dr Matthew Davies, President, Association of Anaesthetists
From innervation to innovation: lessons learned from hip analgesia Prof Philip Peng, Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine of University of Toronto, credited with the introduction of the Pericapsular Nerve Group (PENG) block)
09:50 - 10:50
Stream A - Live Streamed Location: Churchill, ground floor
Stream B - Live Streamed Location: Whittle, third floor
This stream is for in-person attendees only. Spaces available on a first-come, first-served basis due to limited capacity.
Stream C - Physical only - no live stream Location: Gielgud, second floor
T1a - Unrecognised oesophageal intubation - putting the PUMA guidelines into practice
Chair: Dr Helen Laycock, Anaesthesia Editor
T1b - Leaving the UK - should I stay or should I go? - Session created with the Trainee Committee, but all welcome to attend
Chair: Dr Sarah Marsden, Vice Chair, Trainee Committee, Association of Anaesthetists
T1c - Peri-operative care Chair: Dr Andrzej Wlaszczyk, Elected Board Member, Association of Anaesthetists
(09:50-10:05) Case studies: the anatomy of harm from undetected oesophageal intubation Prof Tim Cook, Bath
(10:05-10:20) Event itself - human factors Dr Andy Higgs, Warrington
(10:20-10:50) Panel discussion
(09:50-10:00) Is the grass really greener? Dr Kenneth Gilpin, Australia
(10:00-10:10)If I go there will be trouble… and if I stay it will be double! Dr David Monks, Assistant Professor, Anaesthesiology, Washington University School of Medicine, USA
(10:10-10:20) From anaesthesia to corporate life: navigating career change in the UK Dr Chris Smith-Brown, Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN)
(10:20-10:30) Choosing medicine: from corporate law to anaesthesia? Dr Leyla Turkoglu, London
(10:30-10:50) Panel discussion
(09:50-10:05) Prehabilitation Dr Myra McAdam, Glasgow
(10:05-10:20) New diabetic drugs - problems and solutions Dr Jonathan Schofield, Manchester
(10:20-10:35) Considerations for major head and neck surgery Dr Natalie Mincher, Newport
(10:35-10:50) Panel discussion
10:50 - 11:25
Tea and coffee, industry exhibition and e-Posters (sponsored by GE Healthcare Clinical View), third floor
11:25 - 12:55
Stream A: Live Streamed Location: Churchill, ground floor
Stream B: Live Streamed Location: Whittle, third floor
Stream C: Physical only - no live stream Location: Gielgud, second floor
T2a - NAP7
Chair: Dr Louise Savic, Anaesthesia Editor
T2b - Paediatrics - The critically ill child in A and E Chair - Dr Rachel Freedman, SAFE Paediatrics Course Lead
T2c - Remote anaesthesia
Chair: Dr Andrea Harvey, Co-opted Board Member, Association of Anaesthetists
(11:25-11:40) Peri-operative cardiac arrest - incidence and outcomes Dr Richard Armstrong, Bristol
(11:40-11:55) Aftermath Dr Emira Kursumovic, Bath
(11:55-12:10) What does NAP7 tell us about peri-operative risk? Dr Andrew Kane, Middlesbrough
(12:10-12:25) Progress? Can we learn anything from comparing NAP7 to previous NAPs Prof Tim Cook, Bath
(12:25-12:55) Panel discussion
(11:25-11:40) The child with congenital heart disease Dr Stephanie King, London
(11:40-11:55) The medically unwell child Dr Emily Cadman, Paediatric Emergency Medicine Consultant, London
(11:55-12:10) Paediatric trauma Dr Hilary Eason, Manchester
(12:10-12:25) Dealing with parents Dr Leyla Turkoglu, London
(12:25-12:30) SAFE Paediatrics - an update Dr Rachel Freedman, SAFE Paediatrics Course Lead, London
(12:30-12:55) Panel discussion
(11:25-11:40) Anaesthesia in radiology Dr Nazia Khan, London
(11:40-11:55) Endoscopy: is GA the best option? Dr Victoria Scott-Warren, Manchester
(11:55-12:10) Cardiac catheterisation lab Dr Shane George, Cambridge
(12:10-12:55) Panel discussion
ePoster presentations (sponsored by GE Healthcare Clinical View) - Exhibition hall, third floor
12:55 - 14:10
Lunch, industry exhibition, view the e-Posters (sponsored by GE Healthcare Clinical View), third floor
Stream A - Live streamed Location: Churchill
T3a - Keynote - Featherstone
Chair: Dr Matt Davies, President, Association of Anaesthetists
T3b - Emergency treatment of peri-operative anaphylaxis Chair: Dr Tendai Ramhewa, Elected Board Member, Association of Anaesthetists
Keynote: Standing on the shoulders of giants Dr Fiona Kelly, Featherstone lecturer 2024 and Consultant
in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Royal
United Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bath
(14:10-14:55) Dr Amy Dodd, Bristol Dr Guy Jackson, Reading
Stream A - Live streamed Location: Churchill, ground floor
Stream B - Live streamed Location: Whittle, third floor
Stream C - Physical only - no live stream Location: Gielgud, second floor
Session T4a - Interactive Case Presentation: obstetric haemorrhage
Chair: Dr Rachel Collis, Consultant Anaesthetist, Cardiff
Session T4b - Critical Care
Chair: Dr Victoria McCormack, Honorary Secretary Elect, Association of Anaesthetists
Session T4c - Latest in Industry session
Chair: Dr Krish Radhakrishna, Elected Board Member, Association of Anaesthetists
Interactive case presentation led by a multidisciplinary group of clinicians.
Dr Rachel Collis, Cardiff Dr Lucy De Lloyd, Anaesthetist Dr Cath Stone, Obstetrician Dr Peter Collins, Haematologist Ms Elinore Macgillivray, Consultant Midwife
(15:00-15:15) Socio-economic recovery Dr Joanne McPeake, Cambridge
(15:15-15:30) Post ICU rehab and follow-up Dr Andrew Slack, London
(15:30-15:45) How to measure outcomes after critical care Dr Bronwen Connolly, Senior Lecturer, Critical Care, Queen's University Belfast
(15:45-16:00) Patient perspective about recovery from ICU Mr Chris Cooper
Check out the latest on what industry have to offer, presented by a panel of experts
Panellists: Dr Krish Radhakrishna, London Ms Nicki Dill, Barema Prof Anil Hormis, Rotherham Dr Ben Fox, Norfolk
16:00 - 16:40
Tea and coffee, industry exhibition, view the e-Posters (sponsored by GE Healthcare Clinical View), third floor
(16:10 - 16:30) Industry-sponsored symposium supported by Intersurgical (Gielgud, second floor) '7 steps to improve patient and environmental safety within Anaesthesia' - Mr Sean Duggan, Anaesthesia and Filtration Group Product Manager, Intersurgical
16:40 - 18:10
Stream A: Live streamed Location: Churchill, ground floor
Stream B: Live streamed Location: Whittle, third floor
Stream C: Physical only - no live stream Location: Gielgud, second floor
Session T5a - Consultant and SAS pay offers – Deal or no Deal? (session organised by the SAS committee but useful for all groups)
Chair: Dr Emma Wain, Honorary Treasurer, Association of Anaesthetists
T5b - Neuro; Knowledge & Skills for the Non Specialist (Co-badged with Specialists in Obesity and Bariatric Anaesthesia) Chair: Dr Gemma Nickols , Honorary Secretary NACCS, Bristol
T5c - Innovation
Chair: Dr Krish Radhakrishna, Elected Board Member, Association of Anaesthetists
(16:40-17:05) What I need to know about the Consultant pay offer Dr Mike Henley; Pay, T&C’s lead and committee deputy chair, BMA Council/Consultants committee
(17:05-17:30) What I need to know about the SAS pay offer
Dr Imran Sharieff; Elected member BMA UK SAS committee; BMA SAS Executive committee, and BMA SAS pay campaign working group
(17:30-17:50) Should I leave the NHS Pension scheme? Mr Graham Crossley, Quilter Financial Advisers
(17:50 - 18:10) Panel discussion
(16:40-16:55) Avoiding the pitfalls of the prone position Dr Michelle Leemans, London
(16:55-17:10) Interventions in acute stroke - the anaesthetists' role Dr Rebecca Campbell, London
(17:10-17:25) Head and spinal injury - care outside of the specialist centre Dr Matt Wiles, Sheffield
(17:25-17:40) Hydrocephalus for the anaesthetist Mr Matt Bailey
(17:40 - 18:10) Panel discussion
(16:40) Necessity is the mother of invention- How events in history dictated inventions Dr Krish Radhakrishna, Coventry
Followed by presentations from this year's top 3 prize winners for the Innovation Awards:
Winner: Mr Carl Walkden, Dynaseal Advanced Dynamic Self Adjusting Supraglottic Airway Device
Runner up: Dr Paul Greig, StopCheck Technology™
Runner up: Dr Asela Dharmadasa, The TEEP connector: a device that aims to improve patient and staff safety by mitigating the release of infective aerosols and loss of positive-end-expiratory-pressure (PEEP), when critically- ill patients are switched between ventilators.
Followed by presentations from innovative industry experts
Innovation award sponsored by Ultramed – MyPreop
Winter Social (Exhibition hall, third floor) Come and join us for drinks, canapes and entertainment. Free to attend.