Annual Congress Glasgow
11-13 September, Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
Reasons to attend
- Informative educational sessions
- High-profile speakers
- An attendance of around 800-1000 national and international delegates
- Extensive trade exhibition with over 40 leading anaesthetics companies.
Keynote lecturers include
- Ageing populations, Prof Sarah Harper, Oxford Institute of Population
- Why conferences are bad for your health, why patients give you thank-you cards when you haven’t done anything, and why it's good to make people cry, Dr Steve Yentis, London
- How do you eat an elephant? Prof Jim Bagian, Institute of Healthcare Policy and Innovation, Michigan, USA
Join the conversation on Twitter #ACGlasgow19
Cycle to Annual Congress, get fit, reduce your carbon footprint
For the seventh consecutive year, a team of anesthetists from the UK and abroad will cycle to Annual Congress. Applications are now open and all anaesthetists or conference members are welcome.