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About this webinar recording

A career as a SAS Anaesthetist should be filled with possibility and opportunity, and with the potential to achieve your career goals.
This series of webinars are targeted towards any current Specialty Doctor Anaesthetists looking to see how they can develop within a SAS career, and any medical managers looking to see how they might maximise the potential of their SAS team members. They may also be useful to anyone considering becoming a SAS doctor and wondering about the routes such a career might take, and the destinations they might lead to.
This is the second webinar in this series, covering extending your role beyond the clinical. It will provide insights into the contractual requirements to do so, the national documents supporting this progression and how to overcome the barriers you may encounter.

Organiser: Dr Rob Fleming
Chair: Dr Nilofer Ahmed


Why does extending your role matter? - Dr Rob Fleming, Specialist Anaesthetist, Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Honorary Membership Secretary Elect and former SAS committee chair, Association of Anaesthetists
This talk will cover the opportunities to extend your role beyond the clinical as a Specialty Doctor, national documents supporting this, and the implications of the 2021 SAS contract reform.

SAS doctors as leaders - Dr Lucy Williams, Clinical lead for Anaesthesia, Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Former elected Council member and SAS committee chair, Royal College of Anaesthetists 
This talk will feature some of the ways in which you might progress to leadership positions as a SAS anaesthetist, and personal experiences of having done so, locally and nationally.

SAS doctors as educators - Dr Jamie Read, Specialist Geriatrician, Dean of Medical Education, Cardiff University
SAS Lead at the Royal College of Physicians
This talk will discuss some of the ways in which SAS doctors can develop skills and experience within education of others, what roles are available, and touch upon the importance of professional identity.

Job planning for SAS doctors - Dr Leanne Davison, Associate Specialist in Critical Care, 
SAS committee BMA representative, Association of Anaesthetists
This talk will cover the job planning protections contained within modern SAS contracts, and the importance of appropriate SPA time to support extending your role.  

Panel discussion / Q&A
All speakers plus Dr Prabhakaran Premraj, Specialist in Critical Care and Anaesthesia and interim Divisional Director for Medicine, Community and Therapies, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust.