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About this webinar recording

This webinar is being put on jointly by the Association of Anaesthetists and Quilter Financial Advisors.

Quilter Financial Advisers are the trusted financial advice partner to thousands of people across the UK. We are a leading UK advisory business, and our purpose is to help you achieve your aspirations through expert financial planning. 

Graham Crossley, NHS pension specialist at Quilter, is delivering a webinar to help you understand your NHS pension. In this webinar, you will be able to learn about:

The basics of how your pension scheme works
Pension taxation and the impact on your pension
The McCloud remedy
Latest NHS pension updates

There will be an extensive Q&A session at the end of the webinar and we would invite you to submit any questions in advance with your registration. There will also be an opportunity to ask additional questions on the webinar.

Organiser: Vipan Narang, COO Association of Anaesthetists; Alan Riches, Divisional Affinity Relations Manager, Quilter Financial Advisers
Chair: Dr Subrahmanyan Radhakrishna 

19:30 - 20:15 Presentation - Graham Crossley, NHS pension specialist at Quilter

20:15 - 20:45 Q&A session

Graham Crossley:  NHS Pension Expert, Quilter Financial Advisers

Graham is a widely acknowledged industry expert on NHS Pensions. He is a regular commentator on NHS pension issues in the National and Trade Press and has successfully lobbied government for changes to benefit NHS pension members, as well as providing technical expertise to Unions and the UK’s leading think tank to help develop and promote new government policy ideas. 

Follow Graham on Twitter for the latest updates on NHS pensions Twitter: