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About this webinar recording

This educational webinar will examine the role and benefits of Anaesthesia Associates within a Department of Anaesthesia. Anaesthesia Associates as independent practitioners work within an anaesthetic team and can make a valuable contribution to patient care. Anaesthesia Associates can help with reducing operating theatre downtime, leading to increased throughput on operating lists and improved theatre utilisation. They may play also a role in pre-operative assessment; provision of sedation; cardiac arrest teams; may prove beneficial in supporting education for colleagues and students; and are often engaged in local research projects and audits. These diverse roles will be examined by the panel in a series of talks and a question and answer session - your chance to ask about the impact of AAs in practice and on training.

Please ignore the date inthe booking process, this is a notional date and you will receive the recording by return email as soon as you book. You can log in from the comfort of your own home, your office, or any where else that is convenient. All you need is a decent internet connection and a quiet room. Please ignore questions about access and dietary requirements during the booking process.

Membership of the Association is £10 per annum for Anaesthesia Associate (students) and £112 per annum for Anaesthesia Associates, and you can join here.

You can explore the full benefits of being a member here, but as a summary:

1 Year-long membership for the above mentioned rates
2. Heavily discounted Association of Anaesthetist events (including Trainee Conference)
3. Multiple opportunities to present abstracts and posters which are published in Anaesthesia journal
4. Undergraduate elective funding
5. Access to a vast library of online learning resources on our Learn@ platform

Organiser: Prof Andrew Klein, Cambridge
Chair: Prof Andrew Klein
, Cambridge

The next steps for Anaesthesia Associates - Paul Forsythe, President of the Association of Anaesthesia Associates
Anaesthesia Associates in a big DGH - why and how have we started down this path in Portsmouth? - Dr Jonathan Harrison, CD of Anaesthetics & Theatres, Portsmouth
Non physician anaesthetists: what can we learn from other countries? - Dr Tei Sheraton, Newport
Anaesthesia Associates - Advantages and disadvantages - Dr Victoria McCormack, Manchester

Plus Panel Discussion